Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Things I learned this Weekend

1) I hate surgery - like a lot, a whole whole lot. I had my wisdom teeth out on Thursday and honestly I am just now feeling even remotely myself, though I am still about 65% miserable and my freaking JAW hurts like the dickens.On top of that are medications, I am very sensitive to all medications (Tylenol makes me sicker then anything) and I can't take any kind of antibiotics, pain meds or apparently steroids without being nauseous and miserable.

2) I am a terrible patient - I love my husband, he is good and kind and smart. He is also a whiny biznatch when he is sick. I don't get sick very often so I will tease him about how whiny he is when he's sick. This weekend I found out that I am 10 times as whiny as he will ever ever be. I whined constantly, about how much I hurt, about how I hate medicine, about how much I just want to freaking EAT SOMETHING! (for the record putting food in my mouth and swallowing it whole is not eating, its like being a baby bird and is gross and miserable, I want to CHEW)

*ahem* as I was saying, I suck at being grateful and demure and for this I apologize. Or I would...if you would stop eating food that I want to eat you *mumble mumble*

3)Vicoprophen (which is the wussy non tylenol version of Vicoden) makes me more dizzy then anything ever. Like I can't stand up and walk dizzy after taking it once while conscious (I took it the day of surgery but also slept most of that day sooo it doesn't count) I can't understand why anyone would take it for recreational purposes.

And that is what I learned this weekend...now it's time to put more ice on my stupid face

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